Our educational project for Compulsory Secondary Education unifies IB methodology and the Spanish Educational Curriculum, so that students who finish their compulsory studies can have their first academic degree, which is awarded by the Spanish Government.

The Middle Years Programme (MYP), implemented in the Secondary stage, provides the framework for holistic teaching that emphasises intellectual and personal challenge to foster the development and implementation of thinking, communication and self-management skills.

Our project enables students to establish connections between the various study fields and the real world. This encourages the development of an international mind-set, which is based on intercultural understanding and global awareness.

Personal Project

As a conclusion of their learning, students in the last cycle of secondary education carry out a personal research project on a topic of their choice. This allows them to develop and implement their intellectual and practical skills through the design of a project strategy, analysis and scientific research.

Educación Secundaria

Compulsory Secondary School Hours

 First and Second year

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: From 8,05h to 15,15h.
  •  Friday: From 8,05h to 14,25h.

Third course

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: From 8,05h to 15,15h.

Fourth course

  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: From 8,05h to 15,15.
  • Thursday and Friday: From 8,05h to 14,25h.


Colegio bilingüe en Alicante