El Valle International College in Alicante is the first and only school in the Valencian Community that offers the three IB (International Baccalaureate) programmes in all its educational stages, from Infants to High School.

Belonging to this exclusive group means that the students receive an excellent academic and multilingual education that educates in solidary and responsible action, the development of critical and creative thinking and personal reflection, in which the students are the centre of their learning. With this certification our students can validate their studies in more than 140 countries.

The International Baccalaureate organization, known as the IB, offers different educational programmes for each stage. Below is the correspondence of the IB programmes with the stages of the current Spanish educational system:

First stage of Nursery 1 to 3 years old
Second stage of Nursery 3 to 6 years old PEP Primary School Programme(PYP)
Primary Education (Compulsory) 6 to 12 years old
Secondary Education (Compulsory) 12 to 16 years old PAI Middle Year Programme (MYP)
High School 16 to 18 years old Diploma Programme (PD)


Our educational project integrates the IB programmes with the values of the El Valle family of schools, which are the hallmarks of our brand, and therefore offered:

  • International Education from 0 to 18 years old, accredited by the IB organization.
  • Early Stimulation Project in Infant Education.
  • Experience in the application of new technologies in the classroom.
  • Bilingual teaching English-Spanish, and German as a second foreign language.
  • Open and direct communication with families. Online central for personalized attention.
  • Teachers committed to our educational project and accredited as specialists in international education.
  • Exclusive program of Values Education and Mentoring Action.
  • Multi-sport project with multiple sport offers.
  • International Baccalaureate with access to more than 2000 universities in more than 140 countries.
  • Permanent commitment to excellence in quality education.